The conference will deliver a timely series of conversations on opportunities for trade and investment across key sectors, providing delegates with a unique and essential platform for learning and networking. Key informative and educational sessions covering a range of opportunities and sectors including financing, incentives, taxation, local content, governance, and other critical areas for investors, partnerships, business growth and development will also be featured.
Business Conference

Key themes to be addressed at the International Business Conference - Guyana
The International Business Conference programme will bring together 100+ government representatives, public sector stakeholders, policy makers, local, regional and international executives from major sectors such as advisors, developers, contractors, technology providers, investors and business leaders, to take part in key informative and cutting-edge sessions covering a vast range of arising opportunities across these key sectors of Guyana’s economy so that they can all benefit from the ongoing growth surge.
Welcome to Guyana
Envisioning the Future - Overview and Intent of the International Business Conference 2024
Envisioning Guyana's Manufacturing Future - Opportunities and Challenges
Partners in Development
Collaboration Frameworks and Potential Opportunities from Essential Bilateral Partners
Presidential Addresses
Doing Business in Guyana – An Introduction
Ministerial Address: Guyana: Open for Business
Building a Stronger Tomorrow: Guyana's Manufacturing Focus
Navigating Regulatory Landscapes: Public Sector Perspectives and Key Requirements for Businesses
Leveraging Private Sector and International Support to Supercharge Business Growth
Key Sectors in Focus
Agriculture & Agroprocessing: Success Stories from Guyana and the Region
Regional Energy Developments – Progress and the Path Forward
Powering Industrial Growth and Manufacturing
STREAM 1: Manufacturing
Finance & Investment: Accessing Capital for Business Expansion
Labor Market Trends and Their Impact on Business
Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency & Logistics Innovations for Regional Connectivity
Future of Technology & Innovation: Trends and Opportunities
Standards, Certification & Trade Issues
STREAM 2: Supporting Infrastructure
Transforming Guyana's Infrastructure: Opportunities and Challenges
Transport in Focus – Aviation, Automotive & Maritime
Metals, Minerals, Mining and Money
Public and Private Collaborative Efforts for Tourism Development
Professional Services